In routine life, we own many bags for cool purses or outings, so we need to consider the material of the bag must be eco-friendly and no harm to our environment. These bags may be for work, shopping, travel, or casual activities, the most common type is tote bags. It’s so cool and easy but unique design for many shapes.
Different fabrics are used in different ways, and its advantage and features make us think about which material is best for you.
So today we will introduce what the best fabric to use for tote bags is. The most common materials for tote bags are cotton, canvas, jute, or burlap. Canvas totes are a popular type in recent years because they are sturdy and can be easily cleaned. Cotton totes are also a good choice because they are absorbent and durable. Jute and burlap tote bags definitely have a natural look and are perfect for fashionable. EcoBagreen recommends 5 points for you to choose the best fabric suitable for your tote bags.
- Price affordability.
Yes, we don’t hope you cost much money into a tote bag, the deterioration of the ecological environment and the ever-expanding desires of people have actually far exceeded our capacity. And an affordable tote bag can accompany you for many years. - Easy cleaning
We will use this tote bag for many years, so the totes need to be easy of washing, any stains should be easy to remove. - The appearance and texture of fabrics.
- The resilience to wear and tear and heavy loads carrying.
- Consider the fabric’s reusability and recyclability, the eco-friendliness of the manufacturing process, and the material lifecycle.
– Jute/Burlap Tote Bags
Jute fabric is a rough fiber made from the stems of an old-world plant, which we use for twine and rope. You can also find jute threads in woven sacks or mats. Jute is an herbaceous plant that has edible young shoots too.
Due to jute fabric being coarse, rustic appearance and natural look and coarse, we can know it at first look it’s jute tote bags.
This fabric is fashionable everywhere nowadays, people love natural material with a unique appearance and feel that other materials can’t have, so the jute value and commercial use are going to be extended than cotton. Besides, more popular to use bamboo handles in tote bags looks special fashionable.
The following are 3 advantages of jute totes, you can use jute tote bags for shopping, party or as a gift for your friends.
- Eco-Friendly
As jute special material is natural, so the manufacturing of jute tote bags comes with low carbon impact, also very low chemical consumption. So jute tote bag is eco-friendly. So jute tote bags are reusable, easily recyclable, and biodegradable, it’s eco-friendly. - Heavy loads Carrying
Due to jute fiber’s special texture characteristics, they can be used for heavy carrying without being vulnerable to wear and tear. - Affordable Price
It’s low cost during cultivating, maintaining, and the manufacturing process, the price is kind of cheap price compared to others.
Though jute tote bags have many advantages, still have 3 disadvantages.
a. The jute tote bags can’t print complex patterns due to texture characteristics, most are plain patterns. So it might not be a good item for promotional or events, not like cotton or canvas can printing impression pictures.
b. The service life of Jute bags is not longer than that the bag use canvas.
c. It’s hard to clean or wash stains as jute bags special fabric.
– Canvas Tote Bags

Canvas tote bags are canvas fabric that uses a knitting process to a plain weave, and these fabric features have sturdy and resilient to wear and tear.
EcoBagreen produces many heavy-duty shopping tote bags for eco-friendly bag wholesalers. Here are some reasons people are crazy to love canvas tote bags.
- Based on texture characteristic of canvas fabric, it has perfect strength, which can be hold heavy goods in your daily life, such like grocery items, books, laptop and other personal items.
- Due to canvas resilience, durable to wear and tear, so canvas totes can be used for years.
- This fabric can wash and remove stains very easy, even it can clean by washing machine, you have no worry to consider the bags will harmed.
- If you want printing amazing pattern without fading, flaking or rubbing off, then canvas definitely is your best choice. It has excellent ink stays so you will not worry about wear and washing.
But there are still some disadvantages of canvas tote bags.
Canvas is a fabric made from cotton, and we all know cotton is a renewable source, but there is still an impact on the environment in the production stage from cotton to canvas fabrics, so to make it eco-friendly, please do as possible to use it longer.
The processing from cotton to canvas, also makes the manufacturing costs higher than other fabrics.
– Cotton Tote Bags

Cotton is a very popular fabric used for tote bags, and we know it renewable source, due to its hypo-allergenic and resilient, so it is widely used for bags, towels, bedsheets, especially for baby clothes.
The advantages of cotton tote bags.
- Cotton tote bags is very comfortable with smooth and soft feeling and more refined texture.
- Simple and easily to clean cotton tote bags same as clean your cotton clothes.
- Cotton tote bags also is sturdy and durable, but need to check the thin of tote bags, make sure it can hold and carrying your daily goods.
- Cotton fabric is reusable and recyclable, so our cotton totes definitely eco-friendly.
- Cotton is a perfect printing fabric, so cotton totes is very popular as a promotional or events gift, which has impression patterns as customer required.
The disadvantages of cotton tote bags.
- The heavy load carrying of cotton tote bags is weakness than canvas tote bags, general it suitable for carrying light groceries, clothes and few books.
- We need pay more attention to washing cotton tote bags, please be carefully it may shrink during washing