EcoBagreen is a professional wholesaler of makeup bags, we focus on eco-friendly materials for various bags, with affordable price, fast delivery time, and unique design. Everyone needs a makeup bag, it helps people easy to organize cosmetics and carry out the kits. So today we share a simple tutorial for you that can DIY it at home.
A boxing makeup bags step by step sewing

Prepare the supplies material you need

- Exterior Fabric
Qty: 2 Pieces
Size: 25x15cm
2. Interior Fabric
Qty: 2 Pieces
Size: 25x25cm
3. Zip
Qty: 1 Piece
Size: 25cm
Step 1: Lay one exterior fabric and Face up on the desk.

Step 2: Place the zip face down along the seams.

Step 3: On top of the zip, place the one interior pieces face down.

Step 4: We have an exterior piece in our interior piece and sandwiching the zip, both good sides are facing together with the zip facing down.

Step 5: Along the seam them together

Step 6: Press exterior and interior fabric, and flip zip over, facing out towards

Step 7: Lay the second interior fabric piece down, and place the previous piece we just made it(step 6)

Step 8: Place the last exterior piece on top of sandwiching together, and make sure these are aligned.

Step 9: Pin all and sew those.

Step 10: Over flap so both exterior pieces face outwards, make sure all 4 pieces align together in pin along the bottom edge before sewing.

Step 11: Under your zip at least halfway

Step 12: Line up all the edges and sew them. When finished one side, pinch the zip pieces together and sew the other side.

Step 13: Place your hand inside, so the corners form a triangle and draw across the triangle, tape measures 7cm across this, and sew it. (create the box shape)

Step 14: Repeat Step 13 for the other side.

Step 15: Trim off those excess corners before flippling inside and you are completed this makeup bag.

If you are interested in wholesale makeup bags for your start small business, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you to how to begin your business.