Most people have canvas tote bags that can carry any personal items, such as notebooks, magazines, mobile phones, keys, books, laptop, and other common personal items. Although canvas tote bags are very popular, there is still a problem that they don’t have a waterproof function. On rainy days, you might worry about whether the items in the tote bag will be damaged. EcoBagreen can specially design and process the fabric according to the waterproof requirements of the customers and has achieved an excellent waterproof effect. If you use EcoBagreen’s waterproof canvas tote bags, you do not worry about the safety of the products in the bag on rainy days.
Of course, if you don’t have existing waterproof totes, we can teach you how to make them waterproof by yourself today. Yes, you can also follow the steps in this article to turn a normal canvas tote bag into a waterproof tote. You have no worries when you go shopping on rainy days or go to the beach.
Before going to do a waterproof process, here is some work need you to check.
- No matter what canvas tote bag, canvas bag, draw string canvas bags, canvas backpack you have, before starting, you need to make sure that the bag is clean. If possible, we would better to washing the bag before waterpoofing.
- It is important to ensure that the canvas bag is dry enough. It’s very important to wait for the canvas bag to be sufficiently dry before proceeding with the waterproofing process.
- Finally, check whether there are paper scraps or other impuritities in the bag. If there is, please use a lint roller to remove it or use a vacuum cleaner to clean it up.
Okay, now let’s officially start!
The easiest waterproofing process we recommend: use WAX
Everyone knows that wax has been used a long time ago in the processing of waterproof products. As a natural product, you can easily buy paraffin or beeswax in the store.
The list of materials and equipment for making waterproof canvas bags with wax is as follows:
- A large piece of wax.
- A big pot, and the other small pot.
- Hair dryer.
- A brush.
Step 1: Put the wax in a small pot.
Step 2: Boil water in a big pot, wait for the water to boil, and put the pot of step 1 into this big pot. Let the wax melt slowly.
Step 3: Use chopsticks to slowly stir the wax block to make it melt more evenly. When it all melts, let it cool to warm.
Step 4: Before doing this step, you can test the inside of the bag first, because using wax for waterproofing will make the color of the bag darker and the texture may become harder.
Use a brush to evenly coat the warm wax on the inside of the canvas bag for testing. If you don’t mind the darkening of the color, you can directly apply warm wax to the surface of the bag. Slowly spread the wax evenly on the surface of the bag, making sure that each piece of canvas is soaked in the wax liquid.
Step 5: Then rub the bag with your hands to make the wax liquid penetrate the fabric deeper, and apply the wax liquid to the canvas bag thoroughly.
Step 6: Use a hairdryer to heat the bag so that the wax on it can penetrate into every corner more fully and thoroughly, making the canvas bag truly waterproof.
Step 7: Finally, let the waxed bag air dry naturally, or put it in a cloth bag, and then put it in a dryer to dry. Now you have everything done for waterproofing procedures. Enjoy your waterproof canvas tote bag now!
- Since wax will slowly decompose over time, it may be necessary to re-wax once a year to maintain stable waterproof performance.
- Canvas bags that have been made of wax for waterproofing are no longer suitable for washing with hot water. But it can be cleaned carefully with cold water, or you can use a natural brush to gently brush away the dust on the surface.